Restoring Accountability and Positivity
Historically, the San Dieguito Faculty Association and the SDUHSD Governing Board have had a mutually beneficial and collaborative relationship. Both groups have worked together on issues such as curriculum, instructional materials, classroom features, athletic offerings--even Prop AA construction efforts. This collaboration has allowed our District to achieve the excellence that has placed it among the highest-ranking districts in the state and nation.
The global coronavirus pandemic has presented the greatest challenge teachers have ever faced. The November 2020 election brought a new board member who coalesced a board majority that has brought dysfunction, chaos, and hostility to our district. This has made it impossible to meet the challenges of the pandemic and beyond with any sense of partnership experienced in the the past. We seek restoration to the positive working environment that will allow us to remain the best District in San Diego County.
The global coronavirus pandemic has presented the greatest challenge teachers have ever faced. The November 2020 election brought a new board member who coalesced a board majority that has brought dysfunction, chaos, and hostility to our district. This has made it impossible to meet the challenges of the pandemic and beyond with any sense of partnership experienced in the the past. We seek restoration to the positive working environment that will allow us to remain the best District in San Diego County.
Current Community Collaboration and Efforts
Area 1: Questions of Muir Residency
Area 4: Petition to Recall Michael Allman
Area 5: Trustee Vacancy Special Election