Below are just a few examples of how Mr. Allman has abused his power as Trustee with references to the relevant Education Code and Board Bylaw provisions. These abuses have created division, confusion, and negative staff morale in our District.
Parents: "Your email has been automatically directed to the trash."
"Your e-mail has been automatically directed to the Trash" Parents on both sides of reopening are passionate and vocal. Those who agree with Mr. Allman are welcome to provide feedback and receive support via his closed Facebook group. For anyone who does not agree, they are removed from the Facebook group and instead turn to e-mail. Mr. Allman can't prevent someone from sending an e-mail, so instead, this was his response.
Violations: Board Bylaw 9005 Board members are expected to govern responsibly and hold themselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct. . . 3. Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents and the community 4. Act with dignity, and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior . . . Board members also shall assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture. To operate effectively, the Board shall have a unity of purpose and: . 4. Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect Board Bylaw 9010 When speaking to . . .members of the public, . . . individual Board members should recognize that their statements may be perceived as reflecting the views and positions of the Board. |
District Staff: "I don’t want to hear you. . . You’re not on the Board!”
Click above to watch the moment when Trustee Allman lashes out at Associate Supt. Frazee (HR), who was deemed "the expert" on COVID, by President Muir.
On March 29, 2021, during a discussion of the district’s quarantine policy, Mr. Allman challenged Superintendent Haley about regulations regarding quarantining “close contact” students. Associate Superintendent Cindy Frazee attempted to interject to help explain the various regulations when Mr. Allman abruptly stops her from speaking, “I don’t want to hear you, Cindy! You’re not on the Board; I have the floor!”.
Mr. Allman's aggressive action violates Board Bylaw 9005, calling on Board members to act in a "dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect." Watch Allman in His Own Words Here Violations: Board Bylaw 9005 - "Board members also shall assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture. To operate effectively, the Board shall have a unity of purpose and . . .Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect." |
Targeting Teachers: "Can I please have the name of the teacher?"
"Can I please have the name of the teacher?" A parent brought a personal issue with a teacher to Mr. Allman's private Facebook Group. Rather than refer the parent to the proper site administrator, Mr. Allman requested the teacher’s name, which was then publicly posted.
Violations: Board Bylaw 9005 Board members should “7. understand the distinctions between Board and staff roles, and refrain from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the Superintendent and staff.” Board Bylaw 9200 individual members of the Board shall not exercise any administrative responsibility with respect to the schools or command the services of any school employee. . . Individual Board members do not have the authority to resolve complaints. Any Board member approached directly by a person with a complaint should refer the complainant to the Superintendent or designee so that the problem may receive proper consideration and be handled through the appropriate district process. |
Via the Public Records Act
Between March and May 2021, there were 48 public records requests. An alarming 22 of these requests are from Michael Allman in his capacity as a Trustee.
Nine requests target specific parents/community members known to disagree with Mr. Allman, and the remainder targets specific SDFA members and/or all staff generally. Violations: Board Bylaw 9005 Each individual Board member shall: . . . 3. Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents and the community 4. Act with dignity, and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior . . .Board members also shall assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture. To operate effectively, the Board shall have a unity of purpose and: 1. Keep the district focused on learning and achievement for all students . . . 4. Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect 8. Ensure opportunities for the diverse range of views in the community to inform Board deliberations. |
In the Classroom: ". . . teachers will be under a microscope."
In March 2021, when teachers were changing their teaching model again, Mr. Allman continued inciting division and animosity in the community. This time he announced that he had directed Superintendent Haley to go into every single classroom with the intention to micromanage teachers how they were conducting their classroom as they adapted to a Concurrent Teaching model - teaching students both online and in the classroom simultaneously. Again, the adversarial and threatening tone of this message came through as he identified "several examples of what I consider unacceptable" and stating that "teachers will be under a microscope."
Mr. Alllman is not an educator and had no experience prior to December 2020 with our public schools. He is a businessman and a politician. His approach with Superintendent Haley and our teachers again violated Board Bylaw 9005, which states Board members should “understand the distinctions between Board and staff roles, and refrain from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the Superintendent and staff.” |
On Campus; at Graduation
On June 11, 2021, students at Torrey Pines High School, along with their families, finally had their moment to celebrate the successful completion of a challenging school year. All focus should have been on those students. Instead, while Trustee Allman attended the graduation as the district representative, some of his political supporters posted Trustee Allman’s propaganda flyers into the fence near the stadium where graduates entered. Later, at a Board meeting, Board President Muir acknowledged this was a violation of California Education Code 7054(a) which prevents school facilities from being used for political purposes.
Violations: California Education Code 7054(a) No school district or community college district funds, services, supplies, or equipment shall be used for the purpose of urging the support or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate, including, but not limited to, any candidate for election to the governing board of the district. |
In the Boardroom
Click above to watch the moment at 11:00 pm. when Trustee Mossy is pressured into approving a later rescinded resolution.
Michael Allman's first Board meeting was on December 15, 2020. At this meeting, Allman proposed an aggressive reopening plan that would have returned students to in-person learning on January 4, 2021, in violation of the stay-at-home orders and guidelines from the California Department of Public Health and the San Diego County Health and Human Services agency.
The resolution contents were similar to a proposal previously posted on Trustee Allman’s private Facebook Group by Board President Muir, which counted Trustees Mossy and Muir among its members, including after Mr. Allman was declared the Area 4 Trustee. Material changes to the resolution were proposed during the December 15 meeting discussion, essentially creating a new resolution. Aside from the possible collaboration with fellow Trustees before and just after the election, this action was not first made available to the public, preventing any opportunity for public comment. Further, the meeting had run long by the time voting took place and was already past its extension time of 11pm (Board Bylaw 9323). The Resolution was rescinded just 13 days later following legal action by the Faculty Association. See the draft of Allman's original Reopening Resolution (drafted December 11, 2020 - p. 85 of the December 15, 2020 Board Agenda). See the image of the actual, passed version of the Reopening Resolution (passed after 11pm on December 15, 2020). Potential Violations: Board Bylaw 9323 The Board believes that late night meetings deter public participation, can affect the Board's decision-making ability, and can be a burden to staff. Regular Board meetings shall be adjourned at 10:00 p.m. unless extended to a specific time determined by a majority of the Board. The meeting shall be extended no more than once and subsequently may be adjourned to a later date. |
With Vendors: Attorney Letter of Engagement dated November 13, 2020
Some time prior to this letter dated November 13, 2020, and well before taking his oath of office on December 15, 2020, Michael Allman used his capacity as Trustee to request a letter of engagement from a law firm on behalf of the School Board. This law firm is known in our community for participating in lawsuits against neighboring school districts and supporting charter schools. This action violated SDUHSD Board Bylaw 9200 that states, "a Board member has no individual authority," and Board Bylaw 9224 that states, "prior to entering upon the duties of their office, all Governing Board members shall take the oath or affirmation required by law."
Click here to read Allman's entire Procopio Engagement Letter proposal. |
Online using social media
The closed, selective Facebook "SDUHSD Families for School Reopening" group is where Michael Allman was an administrator and/or moderator from September 1, 2020, until approximately February 2021. Currently, his wife is an administrator, and the Parent Association of North County, the organization that recently sued our district, serves as a moderator. Mr. Allman clearly states that only those who "abide by the rules" are welcome. In other words, anyone disagreeing with Mr. Allman or his policy objectives is not welcome to participate in this forum that discusses "important issues associated with the School District."
Mr. Allman and the page administrators have removed, or pre-emptively blocked, over 100 parents, teachers, and community members from the group, violating Board Bylaw 9005 requiring Board members to "recognize and respect differences of perspective." Mr. Allman uses this group to receive parent complaints, communicate district business, and announce policy objectives and positions, but only to group members with homogeneous views. Want to see some examples of what goes on in the Private Group? Click Here! Violations: Board Bylaw 9005 - Each individual Board member shall: 3. Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents and the community; 4. Act with dignity, and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior. Board members also shall assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture. To operate effectively, the Board shall have a unity of purpose and: 1. Keep the district focused on learning and achievement for all students 2. Communicate a common vision 3. Operate openly, with trust and integrity 4. Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility; 8. Ensure opportunities for the diverse range of views in the community to inform Board deliberations |
In Email and Social Media: "I'm furious over this bull**** survey."
In November 2020, following his election but before his swearing-in, District and site administrators sent a survey to parents to gauge interest in the next phase of expanded reopening. Parents complained about the survey options on Mr. Allman's Facebook group. In response, Michael Allman sent an expletive-laden email to Superintendent Haley: "Rob, I am furious over this bull**** survey. You need to reply to me by noon tomorrow."
Mr. Allman then posted a screenshot of that email on his private Facebook Group, challenging fellow Trustees Mossy and Muir (then members of the Group) to weigh in on the Board's actions. Mr. Allman's choice of words and tone violated Board Bylaws as he infringed upon the "distinction between Board and staff roles" and upon "management functions that are the responsibility of the Superintendent and staff" (Board Bylaw 9005, below). He disparaged district management efforts and undermined confidence in district governance and administration. Mr. Allman went further in attempting to obstruct the actions of district administration by saying to the Facebook Group, "I suggest you all just ignore this survey. It means absolutely nothing and insults your intelligence....Just ignore it." Violations: Board Bylaw 9200 Board members and persons elected to the Board who have not yet assumed office are responsible for complying with the requirements of the Brown Act. Board Bylaw 9010 ...the Board encourages members who participate on social networking sites, blogs, or other discussion or informational sites to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner and to model good behavior for district students and the community.; Board Bylaw 9005 To maximize Board effectiveness and public confidence in district governance, Board members are expected to govern responsibly and hold themselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct. The Board expects its members to work with each other and the Superintendent to ensure that a high-quality education is provided to each student. Each individual Board member shall: . . .3. Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents and the community 4. Act with dignity, and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior . . . 7. Understand the distinctions between Board and staff roles, and refrain from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the Superintendent and staff . . .Board members also shall assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture. To operate effectively, the Board shall have a unity of purpose and: . . .4. Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect. |