Michael Allman is
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Michael Allman deceives voters by mimicking this website and its related social media presence. In the hopes of tricking the community, Allman and his team launched a similarly worded website, Instagram account, and Twitter site within hours of this site's launch. Allman and his team have also harassed and followed teacher and parent signature gathering volunteers.
Michael Allman has violated many codes and bylaws that govern Trustee actions and behavior. He has targeted and harassed fellow Trustees, district leaders, teachers, students, and parents. He has abused the Public Records Act to intimidate and gather materials to use in attacking those he views as his opponents--people who are teachers and parents of students in our district.
Michael Allman does not serve the whole district's best interests. Instead, he has supported and fundraised for plaintiffs suing the District and has undermined the District’s efforts to follow San Diego and California laws and guidelines. In addition, he continues to participate in political rallies calling on people to violate county and state law and guidance.
Michael Allman minimizes, berates, harasses, and dismisses anyone who disagrees with him, frequently using an exasperated, demeaning tone and often using profanity. This creates a culture of hostility for students and their teachers, as well as all District employees.
Michael Allman has no history with or vested interest in SDUHSD, and has voiced disdain for public schools. Michael Allman is not independent. Among his first and largest political donors in summer 2019 was Carl DeMaio's Reform California PAC. Our board seat was his consolation prize after losing the 2018 Congressional Republican Primary. Michael Allman exploits political tactics to divide our community in preparation for his next political step.
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REPAIR relationships and
RESTORE our District and community.
Michael Allman recently retweeted a photoshopped image of himself, the originals of which have been used on various MAGA sites, publications, and at the January 6, 2021, Capitol Insurrection.
This type of extremist, partisan political rancor has no place in our local district.
Recall of Michael Allman--Petition Circulation Notice
Click here to see petition circulation information related to the Recall of San Dieguito School Board Trustee Michael Allman.
Why is this notice here? "The committee’s web page must include a prominent link to the most recent Official Top Funders sheet in a format that allows it to be viewed on an internet website and printed out on a single page of paper." (Elections Code § 107(c)(1))
Click here to see petition circulation information related to the Recall of San Dieguito School Board Trustee Michael Allman.
Why is this notice here? "The committee’s web page must include a prominent link to the most recent Official Top Funders sheet in a format that allows it to be viewed on an internet website and printed out on a single page of paper." (Elections Code § 107(c)(1))